With doping menace taking toll on Kenyan runners, some retired and active have called for sports companies to cancel their contracts as a way of fighting the vice in the country and across the world.
Kenya, which is under the watch-list has had a couple of athletes banned or suspended for doping cases the latest ones being 2017 London marathon winner Daniel Wanjiru, former world marathon record holder Wilson Kipsang, Mikel Kiprotich Mutai and Alex Korio who was suspended for doping allegations while Vincent Yator was banned for four years.
Former track runner and chairman of Machakos, Kitui and Makueni Athletes Welfare Philip Muia said that the companies should cancel all contracts to end the menace.
“I have been using Nike sporting stuffs and I have decided to donate this sporting stuffs to the benefit of my neighbors. I am doing this out of my good will but I had to,” said Muia.
However, he reveled how much this sporting companies have contributed to doping menace and nothing they have been doing only making profits.
“These companies have not put any measures to curb doping menace. This companies do not mind athletes life and their families. I have seen athletes dying due to the effects of doping. Athletes are getting mental illness, impotence and skin diseases among,” added former track master.
He added that Nike and other sporting companies need to join other institutions in fighting doping.
“Why are the companies renewing performance contract for athletes who have been found guilty of doping? Athletes who has been suspended of doping should forget the comfortness, the warmness of this clothing, finally he/she should forget the sweetness of contract monies and lockdown from all sporting activities forever,” he added.