Deep in the heart of Mount Elgon’s Masindet Village, Bungoma County is a new millionaire Quinter Chemei Nimo after clinching a whooping kshs. 31,002,159.
The 23 year old predicted correctly 16 out of 17 games missing out in over kshs 195 million Sportpesa Mega jackpot over the weekend.
Despite winning the millions, Nimo a student at Eldoret College of Professional Studies, Kapsokwony campus has vowed to continue with her education as she had dropped out of class for lack of school fees and wants to use part of the cash to pay her college fees and later open a business of her choice.
“Am undertaking a course in supply management chain and i will continue with my studies up to the end, getting this money won’t change my attitude,” she said.
The Ms Nimo a first born in a family of four shared the cash with Mr.Julius Kerich a security guard in Kericho town each winning a bonus payout of the same amount.
“Am very happy for having won this amount, the first time I won Sh11,000 in early January, I only placed Sh100 last Sunday on 11 March 2017 and am calling on other Kenyans to keep on trying their luck may come soon,” she said.
“I lost my phone and had to place my simcard in my cousin’s phone, I analysed and the next day I had won 16 out of 17 games giving me Sh31 million,” she said.
Quintet’s father Vincent Shabatai a teacher at Kapsokwony boy’s high school said that he was delighted with her daughters luck adding that he will advise her daughter on how to invest wisely.
“She will to use it wisely now that she has got children to feed and educate after divorcing her husband over family wrangles,” he said.
Her cousin Ruth Chebet 20, a class seven drop out and a mother of one boy won Sh1.7 after predicting 15 out 17 matches correctly and has already purchased 3 motorbikes and plans to use the rest of the money to start a business of her choice.
“I showed her how to bet and she even used my phone to bet but she managed to get more money than me, I thank God I also got something, I will keep on betting and am sure I will also one day win good money,” said an enthusiastic Chebet.
Sports pesa deputy Manager in charge of public relationship and advertising Ms. Esther Kang’ethe congratulated Ms.Nimo for winning and urged her to spend the money wisely.
“We are delighted to impact positively to all our esteemed customers to change their lives,” she said.
She advised the betting Kenyans to always bet responsibly and for fun.