Athletics Kenya is proposing criminalisation of doping in the country that has negatively affected athletics in the country.
Speaking over the weekend, Athletics Kenya vice president Jinaro Kibet said the country is facing challenges because of a few individuals who are destroying the name of the sport.
“Our flag can not be booed simply because of a few individuals. We want to go the Germany way who have criminalized doping,” said Kibet.
Despite doping being a world problem, Kibet said the country is on the watchful eye and ranked by World Anti- Doping Agency( WADA) in danger.
He wants the Anti-Doping Act that created Anti-Doping Agency of Kenya (ADAK) changed.
Kibet said that criminalizing doping was there in the initial Anti -doping Bill of 2016 before it was amended and became an Act, but things have changed since then.