Over 40 caddies had a reason to smile after golfers from Eldoret golf club distributed food in this trying moments of coronavirus pandemic.
According to club chairperson Dr. Florence Murgor, the club has 42 resident caddies and all had to benefit from food stuffs to last for two weeks before they get more from the members who have decided to help them.
“They have played a critical role in our club and it was our turn to provide them with essentials to help them sustain their families,” said Murgor.
The caddies were presented with food staffs ranging from maize, beans, flour among others necessities needed at home.
She said that the club was closed two weeks ago and they have not had any competitition as it was directed by both the ministry of Health and Kenya Golf Union (KGU).
“We are following the directive from the ministry of health and KGU in social distancing and the club rules. If any golfer is willing to play can only play between 15 minutes to ensure there is no conduct and contracting the disease,” she said.