I&M Bank Golf Day: Emmanuel Talel targets back to back wins

Fresh after winning Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) golf day in Eldoret, home golfer Emmanuel Talel will take to the greens this Saturday for the I&M Bank Golf tournament in Eldoret.

The golfer who only earned his handicap on 11th November has made good use of it and that paid off last weekend with a win.

“I know winning back to back will not be easy but I will do my best to come out with good results,” said Talel.

Following last weekend’s win, he moved his handicap from 26 to 24 that he will tee off with come Saturday.

Talel will play with his boss, the Elgeyo Marakwet County governor Alex Tolgos, S. Kimeli and Dr. Hellen Yego at 8:10am.

I&M Bank Eldoret branch manager Silas Yator said that the main purpose of sponsoring the event is to market the Bank that was established in Eldoret seven years ago.

“We want to create awareness to people living in Eldoret about our branch and some of our clients are golfers, this is the best opportunity to interact with them,” said Yator in his office in Eldoret.

Saturday I&M Bank Golf: 8:10 A. Tolgos, E. Talel, S.Kimeli, H. Yego; 8:20 S. Yego, Dr. Sitati, P. Mwangi, Lina Shah; 8:30 Adarsh Shah, C. Kitiwa, M. Sagoo,  J. Njoroge; 8:40 G. Karira, I. Nathani, P. Meli, F. Kibor; 8:50 R. Cuthbert, Kamal Manek,D.Kiptoo, A. Butit  9:00 K.Saina, B. Koech, J. Kiprono, A. Ferej; 9:10 F. Murgor, D. Witt, ANO,ANO; 11:50 F. Tuiyott, E.Gumbo, J. Koech,B. Chemjor; 12:00  T. Mutei, F. Mburu, G. Orgut, P. Sangrajka; 12:10 K. Kiptoo, S. Shah, A. Lakhani, R. Cheluget; 12:20 N. Lakhani, W. Sugut, J. Komen, K. Cheluget; 12:30 Kiran Shah, A. Chelogoi, G. Kitiwa, G. Njoroge; 12:40 R.  Sagoo, S. Grewal, H. Plahe, G. Matharu; 12:50 N. Agaarwal, N. Orgut, Ajay Shah, G.Lagat;1:00 P.L Aggarwal, Karan Manek, N. Tororei, V. Sagoo

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