Kandie, Kotut, mailu, Kipchumba, Onchari, Kangogo, Rutto and Kiprop set for Berlin marathon

Former world half marathon record holder Kibiwott kandie will lead other Kenyans at the 50th edition of Berlin marathon that will be staged in Berlin Germany.

Kandie will lead Cyprian Kotut who has 2:04.34 time against the leader Tadese takele with 2:03.24. other Kenyans Samuel Mailu has 2:05.08, Philemon Kipchumba at 2:05.35, Enock Onchari (2:05.47), Justus Kangogo (2:05.57), Asbel Rutto (2:07.04) and Stephen Kiprop (2:07.04)

Top elite Berlin marathon runners

  1. Tadese Takele (ETH) 2:03:24
  2. Cybrian Kotut (KEN) 2:04:34
  3. Hailemaryam Kiros (ETH) 2:04:41
  4. Kibiwott Kandie (KEN) 2:04:48
  5. Bazezew Asmare (ETH) 2:04:57
  6. Samwel Mailu (KEN) 2:05:08
  7. Milkesa Mengesha (ETH) 2:05:29
  8. Haymanot Alew (ETH) 2:05:30
  9. Philimon Kipchumba (KEN) 2:05:35
  10. Josphat Boit (KEN) 2:05:42′
  11. Dejene Megersa (ETH) 2:05:42
  12. Enock Onchari (KEN) 2:05:47
  13. Oqbe Ruesom (ERI) 2:05:51
  14. Justus Kangogo (KEN) 2:05:57
  15. Haimro Alame (ISR) 2:06:04
  16. Ashenafi Moges (ETH) 2:06:12
  17. Asbel Rutto (KEN) 2:07:04
  18. Samuel Tsegay (SWE) 2:06:53
  19. Yohei Ikeda (JPN) 2:06:53
  20. Stephen Kiprop (KEN) 2:07:04
  21. Hendrik Pfeiffer (GER) 2:07:14
  22. Kento Kikutani (JPN) 2:07:26
  23. Melaku Belachew (ETH) 2:07:28
  24. Godadaw Belachew (ISR) 2:07:45
  25. Yuhei Urano (JPN) 2:07:52
  26. Guojian Dong (CHN) 2:08:12
  27. Filimon Abraham (GER) 2:08:22
  28. Haftom Welday (GER) 2:08:24
  29. Sebastian Hendel (GER) 2:08:51
  30. Olonbayar Jamsran (MGL) 2:08:58
  31. Haftamu Gebresilase (ETH) debut
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