Kiprono, Jepkoech, Senchura and Jepchirchir top at Machakos cross country

Asbel Kiprop Kiprono and Maureen Jepkoech were the winners of the opening leg of Athletics Kenya cross country championships held today at the people’s Park in Machakos County.

In the junior events, Yvone Jepchirchir and Silas Sechura were the winners in the 6km and 8km junior men and women.

Selected results

10km senior men

  1. Asbel Kiprop Kiprono- 32:11.2
  2. Francis Abong Koumwa- 32:14.11
  3. Victor Kipruto- 32:29.1
  4. Edwin Bett- 32:32.6
  5. Naibei Kiplimo- 32:42.4
  6. Austin Kagunya- 32:45.4
  7. Simon Mungai-32:46.1
  8. Emmanuel Kiprono- 32:48.9
  9. Fredrick Domongele- 32:50.7
  10. Vincent Kipngetich- 32:52.1

10km women

  1. Maureen Jepkoech- 36:22.9
  2. Christine Njoki- 36:32.2
  3. Esther Chemutai Kipkech- 37:13.7
  4. Sandrafelis Chebet- 37:38.0
  5. Winnie Jeptarus-37:46.6
  6. Ednah Jerotich Kibiwott- 37:58.5
  7. Christine Komen- 38:31.5
  8. Fridah Ndinda- 38:32.4
  9. Winfred Mbithe- 38:40.2
  10. Clementina Kipngetich- 38:44.3

6km junior women

  1. Yvone Jepchirchir- 21:40.2
  2. Lonah Cherono- 21:50.7
  3. Florence Chepkoech- 21:57.7
  4. Jane Wangari 22:12.0
  5. Mary Nyaboke 22:21.5
  6. Florence kagure 22:24.0
  7. Dorizah Minzari- 22:29.5
  8. Varcity Chepchirchir-22:32.9
  9. Cynthia Chepkurui- 22:37.7
  10. Diana Chepkemei- 22:41.8

8km junior men

  1. Silas Senchura- 25:27.42
  2. Simon marwa- 25:32.70
  3. Clinton Ngetich- 25:38.22
  4. Dennis Kipkemboi Kemboi- 25:44.72
  5. Nelson mapi- 25:49.7
  6. Isaac Rotich- 25:51.12
  7. Daniel Kioko- 25:59.39
  8. Nehemiah Kipngeno- 26:06.50
  9. Ezekiel Kwemoi- 26:08.35
  10. Rodgers Kiprotich- 26:12.85  
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