Zimbabwean won the Safari Tour Golf, Muthaiga leg series today after edging out top kenyan professional golfers.
Mapyanya fired three under par 68 after managing to sink a total of three under par 281 in the four day tournament that teed off on Sunday.
Round three leader Greg Snow with fired two under par 69 for a total of two under par 282 the same as Great Rift’s Jastas Madoya.
final score
- Visitor Mapwanya (ZIM) 281
- Greg Snow (Muthaiga)- 282
- Jastas Madoya (Great Rift)- 282
- Mutahi Kibugu (Muthaiga)- 282
- Gaita Rodell (UGA)- 283
- Daniel Nduva (Nyali)- 283
- Jay sandhu (Kenya Railways) 288
- Alloys Nsabimana- 289
- Dismas Indiza (Mumias)- 289
- Nyasha Muyamb0- 291.
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