Andrew Rotich, the Athletics Kenya Trans Nzoia County chairman has called on many athletes to register for this year’s Allan Chesang half marathon set for Friday in Kitale, Trans Nzoia County.
Rotich said that top athletes are set to face off at the last event before Christmas set for Sunday.
He said that they are expecting a crowded field of about 1,500 runners both elite and young ones will have an opportunity to showcase their talents in the county well known for producing football players.
“I am taking this opportunity to welcome all athletics lovers in Trans Nzoia on 23rd for the race where we have good prizes for the winners. We are targeting about 1,500 athletes and the preparations are underway. We have done almost everything to make the race succeed,” said Rotich.
He said that the race will start at Endebbes Police Station, past Kitale Town and will culminate at the Kitale Showground.
“The reason for the race is to plant more trees in the county because as organizers we have plans to plant as many trees as possible to hit about 10,000 trees to be planted to meet the 10 million as target in the next five years,” said Rotich.
With the dry weather this season, he said that they will plant during the rainy season and the exercise is not meant for athletes only but students and all locals too are advised to plant trees.
“This race is in line with the president William Ruto who has insisted that Kenyans should plant 10 billion trees in ten years and the race is on conserving the environment,” he said.
With lucrative prizes, the winner in both men and women will walk home with kshs 150, 000 and it will trickle down to the 25th finisher.
“The race is not for the Trans Nzoia residents but we are welcoming all Kenyans to come and compete on that day. In athletics, we are a family all the way from the young to the elderly. We are expecting top notch officials starting from the federation’s president Jack Tuwei,” he said