Bernard Amuke, Chairman Scrabble Kenya

Scrabble Kenya poll stalemate hand Amuke a month in office

It will be another month in office for Scrabble Kenya chairman Bernard Amuke after a stalemate in the chairman’s polls over the weekend.

Amuke’s position was the battle between Limo Kipkemoi and David Kienja with each aspirant gaining equal votes and were postponed till next year in the first when Scrabble Kenya will host bthe first tournament in January 7/8 in Nairobi.

Amuke, who did not defend his position said the two have good ideas on how to run the federation.

“The two young men are willing to serve the association and their campaigns were well organized that is why we had a stalemate at the polls. Going forward, my work will be organizing on how the lead,” said Amuke. This is the first time, we are conducting an election meaning we have grown to that level, which was my target when I took over. As we speak, players have grown in numbers and election will give them a opportunity to serve well. For my side, I was handed the chairman’s post,” he added.

During the elections, Mutahi Martins was elected vice Chairman after beating Shadrack Kiprono while Fredrick Gitagia won the treasurer’s post.

Secretary General’s post was won by Beryl Okado and will be deputized by Powell Kiplagat with Organizing Secretary post handed to Evelyn Gathoni as Marketing & Communications Secretary post was won by Joan Wangari after defeating Teresa Loch and ICT position was claimed by Joseph Mahinda

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