STD nullify KRU elections

The Tribunal on the principle issues held as follows;

1.        That the tribunal possess jurisdiction to hear and determine the petition

2.       That the officials whose term ended on 30th March, 2022 were illegally in office and against the KRU Constitution

3.       That the election held on 6th September, 2023; fell short on the Notice, lack of an independent election panel, interference by the 8th Respondent, lack transparency, and interference by observers, 9th Respondent is unconstitutional, un eligible members were allowed to vote.

4.       The Sports Registrar was not within her constitutional mandate to interfere with the elections

5.       County associations were not entitled to vote

The Tribunal in finality ordered as follows;

1.        The Petition partially succeeds

2.       A declaration that the KRU Elections of 6th September, 2022 are annulled.

3.       That the 4th,5th and  6th officers are illegally in office

4.       KRU ordered to hold elections within 60 days

5.       That the elections are to be conducted by an independent panel consisting 2 members (female and male ) appointed by the board, one representative from Kenya Cup, one representative from Champion side, one representative from women rugby and the CEO of KRU to be secretary (who shall have no voting rights).

6.       Members eligible to vote shall be as the eligibility set out in the KRU Constitution

7.        KRU Constitution is inconsistent with the Constitution, Sports Act, and Registrar’s Regulations

8.       The Judgment to be circulated to all members and stakeholders for immediate action and compliance

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