Florence Murgor, kenya Seed Comapnay, Kenya Seed Golf, Eldoret golf club, Nilam Shah, David Some, Ezekiel Mutai, Andrew Chelogoi, Ardash Shah, Gracemary Karira, Kipkoech Kiptoo, James Komen, Esther Chumo, Emmanuel Sabuni,

Florence Murgor wins Kenya Seed golf tourney despite shooting blanks

The never give spirit played a critical role for Florence Murgor who won the Kenya Seed Company Golf tournament at nine hole Eldoret golf club on Saturday.

Despite shooting two blanks in the second nine, the home golfer managed to win the tournament with a high stable ford points of 42, attributing her win on her strong playing team that included David Some and Nilam Shah, the Eldoret Club’s lady Captain finished second.

“Imagine we played in the same flight with Nilam and he finished second. That shows that it was a competitive team. I must say that the it was one of the most competitive competition I have never seen,” said Dr. Murgor.

Olaying handicap 27, she said it was a total magic for her to lift the title when she opened her nine with strong 25 stable ford points before returning with 17 in the second nine after banking in holes.

“Despite blanking two holes, I was motivated by Some (David) saying that ‘I should not give up in golf, have positive attitude in the game,” added Murgor who said she learnt a lot from her two weeks of vigorous  training sessions.

“The secret of I learnt from Some is that once you lose, you should not panic but relax and enjoy the remaining task,” attributed Murgor.

Nilam finished second with 41 points ahead of Nandi Bears golfer Ezekiel Mutai on count back to complete the podium places. Nilam shot 21 and 20 stable ford points in each nine while Mutai recorded 22 and 19 in first and second nine respectively.

Western region golf representative Andrew Chelogoi scored 38  points ahead of Nandi Bears G. Serem on count back. Home golfer Adarsh Shah and S. Biwott were top six finishers with 37 stable ford points apiece.

James Komen and immediate lady captain Esther won the longest drive for men and ladies respectively on hole 6 as Gracemary Karira took home the nearest to the pin prize.

Dr. Kiprop Kiptoo won the first nine prize with 20 points as Nandi’s Biwott returned on the podium to receive second nine prize with 20 points.

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