Oyende in the lead as Scrabble Kenya heads into elections tomorrow

Top seed Allan Oyende continued with his superlative performance to take an early lead in day one of Scrabble Kenya championships in Naiorbi.

The Stima club player showed imperious form, winning 11 games to take the lead ahead of tomorrow’s final round that will be followed by the General meeting where new officials will elected.

As Oyende shown in Divisions A, Ammaar Walji went home with 10.5 wins in division B. Sinclair formerly of Kisii University, is leading the pack in the open division.

The tournament also registered a high number of hungry contenders in division C, compared to the previous year, trying to upgrade to the intermediate division.

“It’s too early to predict, who will carry the day tomorrow in the different divisions but as Muema Muumbi often says, “Scrabble is played on day 2.”

Outing going chairman Bernard Amuke said that this time, many players have shown interest to vie for various seats at the elections.

Amuke said that he will not be defending his position but will be available to play and assist in the growth of the game in the country.

“This time, I will be very busy and I may not find time to play, however, those who will take up the positions should be able to spearhead the game to higher standards,” said Amuke.

Two individuals David Kimani and Limo Kipkemoi are eyeing the chairman’s post, with Amuke saying this time, the position has been very competitive compared to the past years.

“The individuals have had good campaigns and I have hope that they will serve the sport. The competitive nature shows how the young people are willing to serve the nation,” he said.

Below is the final list of the aspirants for the Scrabble Kenya positions.

1. Chairman

Limo Kipkemoi

David Kienja

2. Vice Chairman

Martins Mutahi

Shadrack Kiprono (Khalif)

3. Treasurer

Fredrick Gitagia

4. Secretary General

Beryl Okado

5. Deputy Sec. General

Powell Kiplagat

6. Organizing Secretary

Evelyn B Gathoni

7. Marketing & Communications Secretary

Joan Wangari

Teresa Loch

8. ICT

Joseph Mahinda

9. Committee Members

David Mvoi

Charles Kariuki

Tarus Kipruto

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